Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care Passed/My Rant/Capitalism

Barack Hussein Obama's massive health care bill just passed the Senate -219-212. No Republicans voted for the Health Care Bill. House minority leader said this moments before the bill passed. "Can you say it was done openly, with transparency and accountability? Without backroom deals struck behind closed doors, hidden from the people?

"Hell no you can't!"

Nancy Pelosi had this to say about the Health Care Bill: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi praised the health care legislation for its ability to "unleash tremendous entrepreneurial power into our economy."

My Opinion: (Oh No!) Well America here comes more Socialism. I do not agree with this bill. I never have. I feel that it has way too much government intrusion into our lives. I feel that it was stupid for people to pass it, especially since very few people read it all the way though! Well that's smart isn't it? Let's just pass this thing and not even read it from cover to cover. Most of the "benefits" won't happen until 2014. I'll have graduated college by then! (Hopefully :) ) This thing will cost $940 billion dollars over ten years. That seems pretty expensive to me. I feel that government run health care is a big step toward American socialism. Not good. American was founded on Capitalism. Our founders were tired of the government running their lives. People have now bought into the idea that average people are too stupid and that we need the government to run our lives. Totally not true. The government is supposed to serve us, not vice versa. I also never liked the abortion ideas in this bill, although honestly I have no idea what the heck the final language was! At first it was "abortion" then it was "abortion only in rape or if the mom's life is in danger" now I don't even know what the final result of it was. There is far too much confusion in the public about this bill. I am glad that no Republicans voted for this bill. It's about time Republicans grew a pair and stood for something that they believed in. It's also interesting how many Democrats voted against this bill. People used to come to America to enjoy our somewhat expensive but GOOD health care. People who in Canada had to wait in lines for their care. I think that the only way the private industry that currently provides health care will survive is 1) if Obamacare sucks, 2) if Obamacare only covers a part and then private takes care of the rest. Like UPS/FedEx and USPS. USPS does letters and small packages. UPS/FedEx does bigger shipping.

Now Capitalism: Capitalism in its pure form is evil because it will stop at nothing to fulfill yourself. With pure capitalism you will screw over the other guy just to make a break. Socialism is bad because it can lead to Communism, and Socialism tends to prevent innovation. Communism is evil because "the government looks out for you." All they care about is equal poverty for everyone, while they get filthy rich. (Watch Dr. Zhivago sometime....) With Communism, you get rid of your freedoms in order for "government protection/them taking care of you for the rest of your life." I feel that Capitalism is the best, although not in its pure form. It promotes innovation and industry. It leaves the average individual the freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is what our country is founded on. Now rules are important. Health insurance companies shouldn't screw people over based on pre existing conditions. For example, my uncle found out that his aoreata (some big vein near his heart) is like 2mm bigger than normal, so his insurance rates went up. That's not fair. His health is fine. Stuff like that shouldn't happen. But, we don't need a massive government package telling us what to do and how to do it. Watch this video that the Harding College put out in 1948 that talks about Communism v Capitalism.


  1. Just a quick thing... you realize that you go to a public school, right? That means that everything you learn is based on a government-run curriculum.

    Socialism: political theory advocating state ownership of industry (Princeton University)

    Education is an industry, and it is state-owned.

    I understand that you disagree with health care reform- from what I know, I am tentatively inclined to agree with you. However, when you start throwing around allegations of what the founding fathers wanted for this country, the debate starts to get a bit sticky.

    There's a huge difference between socialism and a change in political climate- a change from conservative policies to liberal ones. Regardless of the choices our elected representatives have made, we are now obligated to deal with the consequences. Let's look to the future and not to the past.

    Great post. Sorry I've decided to start flame wars on you Facebook and now your blog, but I'm really bored and in the mood to debate. Hope that's ok.

  2. Yep, I know that I go to a public school. I know that it is a government run curriculum.

    Socialism: (In Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

    This is from out textbook about the founding fathers: "The word 'capitalism' wasn't even introduced until the middle of the nineteenth century, but Hamilton's economic system laid the basis for it. Capitalism is an economic system, through individuals and corporations own the principal means of production, through which they seek to reap profits. The American economic system was never one of pure capitalism by this definition. Hamilton's economic system created a mixed economy, in which the government, while not commanding the economy, is deeply involved in economic decisions.

    So your probably (somewhat) right. We are a mixed economy, not purely Capitalistic, which is good, because pure capitalism is evil like I stated earlier. However, most of the founding fathers did want certain unalienable rights and government that was more limited than the one back in England.

    Keep in mind I was pretty heated when I wrote this blog. Always fun to debate Bri! :D
