Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Health Care Almost Passed

Senate Democrats are almost ready to pass the health care bill. They need all 60 votes to pass the health legislation. Independent Senator Joe Lieberman is almost ready to vote for this health care, as are other less liberal Democrats who didn't agree with the more progressive ideas of the public option, federally funded abortions, among other things. Democrats are getting ready to vote for it, and they will need the votes of the independent Senators to pass this bill. Republicans are still united against voting for this bill, and will most likely not vote for it. The bill is likely to be voted on by Christmas.


My opinion: I feel that the insurance companies do need some reforming, however, I do not agree with government mandated health care. I feel that private companies should provide health care, and that too much government intervention is not a good thing. This health care bill is too expensive. I hope Republicans stick together and vote against it.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Possibilities of Gitmo detainees to go to Illinois

The White House has drafted an order that, if approved, would send some Gitmo detainees to Illinois. This document is just one of the many ways that the White House is looking into for moving the detainees. An official decision has yet to be made. Barack Obama has too much to do such as the Health Care Bill, among other things. The local economy of Illinois could benefit from the creation of jobs, since the Thompson prison would be turned into a federal penitentiary. However, many people living in the area don't like that idea, because they don't want to house terror suspects stateside.


My opinion: Leave the terror suspects in Guantanamo Bay.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Scam Artist Killed

Police shot and killed a scam artist today near a Marriott hotel in Times Square, NY. A policeman recognized the man, who was wanted for assault in the Bronx. However, it was his aggressive panhandling that really caught the policeman's attention. The policeman asked the suspect for ID. The scam artist then went running and started shooting at the police officer with his stolen gun. The officer then shot back and killed the man. Apparentally, the scam artist would approach tourists, ask them their name, write it on a CD, and then demand $10. NYC has a zero tolerance law about quality of life: Examples: No public drinking, urinating, graffiti, disorderly conduct and aggressive panhandling.


My opinion: I feel that the officer is in the right, and the man was wrong.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Reporter Fired

58 year old Larry Grard, a longtime newspaper reporter was fired. He used to work for the Morning Sentinel in Waterville, Maine, and that paper is owned by the Portland Newspaper Guild. The reason for the firing was that he didn't agree with homosexual rights. Apparently he sent an email to the Human Rights Campaign the day that Maine voters repealed a law that would have allowed gay voters to wed. Grard said he was offended that the Human Rights Campaign claimed gay marriage opponents used hate and said it was supporters who were being hateful. A co-worker saw the email and passed along the information.


My opinion: I feel that he shouldn't have been fired because he didn't do a public news story about it. He simply exercised his first amendment right and wrote a private, personal email regarding something he obviously felt wasn't right. It's starting to get to the point with today's political correctness that one cannot say anything, especially against homosexuality, without getting in "trouble" or other people freaking out about it.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Health Care Debate

Health care debate grinded to a halt today. Democrats are sharply divided and Republican opposition is hardening. After five days of debate, only two issues have been amendmended: Expanding women's health screenings and Medicare. Senators are divided over how government-run this program should be and abortion monies and provisions. Opposition between ideas is great and most Senators are sticking to their ideals.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Climate Change Data

Recently, it has surfaced that some of the data "scientists" and provided about climate change may be wrong. Someone hacked University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit and posted a bunch of emails (over 1,000, some between prominent scientists) showing a possible conspiracy to distort science to a political gain. In one on the emails, Phil Jones, head of the climate unit wrote to Michael Mann, "“I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd [Sic] from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.” This obviously doesn't paint the scientific community in a good light. Phil Jones has temporarily stepped down from his position for investigation.

The big three (ABC, NBC, and CBS) have refused to mention this story on their nightly broadcasts. It took Jon Stewart, Comedy Central's more liberal comedy-news reporter to bring this out in the light. This is somewhat oxymoron-ish and hypocritical of the news media because in 2007 they accused the Bush administration of "cooking the books on climate change." This is from Brian Williams' lead off on January 30, 2007: “Did the Bush administration in any way try to cook the books on the topic of global warming?”




My opinons: I think that climate change is true, but climate change that is man-influenced is mostly a hoax. I feel this way based on personal convictions and studies in Astronomy that have related our Earth's climate to the amount of sunspots on the sun.


I also feel that the mainstream media is being kind of hypocritical with this whole issue. Once again, they need to report the news. I guess that's why there's two sides and news services to everything.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Bristol Palin's Boyfriend

Bristol Palin's former boyfriend Levi Johnston has decided to pose for the pornographic magazine Playgirl. He figures doing this will further his fame and bring in some good money for him. He recently did the shoot, which is supposed to be on Playgirl's website. He didn't do any full frontals (thank God) much to the disappointment of those who like Playgirl magazine.


This video is half of what I just mentioned. The other half is of Sarah Palin being "contradictionary." I feel that CN didn't care about Kerry's contractionary-ness (and he was running for President at the time) but now they think about it with Palin, who isn't even the governor anymore. There is some hypocracy here.

As to Levi Johnston posing for Playgirl....I feel that it is morally wrong and a morally cheap (yet easy) way to make money. This won't be a good example for people, especially the baby and when that baby grows up. But it did get him more fame, which seems to be what he wanted.

Friday, November 20, 2009

GM's 60 Day Guarantee

General Motors is trying to get consumer confidence in their products back up. So they are doing a plan to where one could go buy a GM car and be able to keep it. If after 60 days, they didn't like it, they could return it and get their money back. GM has had 222,000 people go for this deal, and so far only 200 have returned their cars. However, there are some restrictions. The car must be kept for thirty days. One may return it between 31-60 days. If there is more than $200 damage to it (dings, scratches, etc) you can't bring it back. Also, you can't put more than 4000 miles on it. If one decides to return the car, they also don't get things back like sales tax, rebates and discounts.


My opinion: Hopefully GM cars and trucks are getting better and more reliable. I generally like them and feel that they have quite a history. However, poor management and crappy reliability has made people wary of the big three: GM for issues like computer controlled stuff and fit and finish, Ford for fit and finish and thirsty engines, and Chrysler for fit and finish and reliability, especially with transmissions. So now, all of these are supposed to be revamped. GM seems to be more ready to stand by their cars, but I guess only time will tell if they are any different or not.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

9/11 Trial

Over the past couple of days, there has been a debate as to whether to try the 9/11 terrorists in a civilian court or in a military court. Some people feel that the terrorists should be tried militarily, and some believe that they should be tried in a civilian court. However, as of today, they will be tried in a civilian court. Attorney General Eric Holder made that decision. They will be tried in New York City. America is generally split down the middle of this issue. According to a Fox News Poll, about 52% of people polled think that the suspected terrorists should be tried in a military court. However, 40% think that they should be tried in the US Court System. Republicans tend to favor a military trial, while Democrats tent to favor a trial in a civilian court. Independents are generally more supportive of a military trial. So now the 9/11 terrorists will be tried in a civilian court in New York City.


My opinion: I feel that since what they did is an act of terrorism, and what we called it was an act of terrorism, then we should try them in a military court. They are not civilians, they pulled a military operation and killed lots of innocent Americans. Hitler's top aids/friends/gestapo were all tried militarily (International Military Tribunal), and so should these terrorists.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

EPA Emplyees Silenced Over Cap and Trade

Some EPA employees made a video about their opinions of President Obama's administration's plan to use cap and trade legislation to fight climate trade. These EPA employees Laurie Williams, and Alan Zabel are a married couple and have worked for the EPA for over 20 years. They were approved to make a video by their bosses in San Francisco, and they made the video in their own time. Cap and trade works like this: companies are issued emissions limits, or caps, which they can then trade -- as a means to fight climate change. The video stated that "Cap-and-trade with offsets provides a false sense of progress and puts money in the pockets of investors, we think that these restrictions might not be constitutional." They released the video and wrote an editorial for the Washington Post, but now EPA Director Lisa Jackson ordered that they remove the video, or disciplinary action will follow. When questioned about it, the EPA released a statement that said that they welcome free expression, but they want Laurie and Alan to emphasize that they are speaking for themselves and not the EPA. Some people have called this incident censorship.

My opinion: I feel that this is borderline censorship. Yes, they should make it clear that they don't represent the EPA in this regard, but they have every right to make a video proving something wrong that they feel is wrong.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Colorado Taxes and Budget

Governor Ritter has thought about taking away tax breaks in order to balance the state's shortfall of revenue of $1.3 billion. The Supreme Court ruled that state governments can do this without voter approval. So Governor Ritter to eliminate 13 tax breaks and credits to balance next year's budget. He plans on doing this by getting rid of tax breaks and credits for businesses and by limiting conversation easement credits for three years, among other things.


My opinion: I think big businesses do better when they have tax breaks. It allows them to run well and gives them incentive to do things correctly. I do not think that taking away tax breaks is a good idea. Maybe Governor Ritter should just spend less.

Federal Deficits Really High

In other news today, the totals for the deficits for the month of October and the year have come in. October cost $176.4 billion, and deficit for the 2009 budget year was $1.42 trillion. October was the 13th straight month to show a monthly deficit, and it was the fifth largest monthly deficit ever. Obama's administration expects this years deficit to reach $1.5 trillion. Economists are getting concerned that all this government borrowing will push interest rates higher as the economy begins to recover. China is beginning to get concerned about all of the U.S.'s debt, especially since they have bought lots of U.S. Treasury securities. Timothy Geithner told reporters that America will tackle its deficits as soon as our recovery is more secure. Republicans are upset with the Obama administration for not dealing with the deficits. The debate will get more intense as Congress is expected to decide on whether to raise the government's debt limit, which is currently at $12.1 million.


My opinion: I feel that the U.S. is spending way too much money. If individuals are in lots of debt, and they never get out of it, things happen like the bank takes their possessions. The government needs to stop spending so much money. They shouldn't do what Germany did when they were forced to pay for WWI.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Free Speech Rights and Hasan

In the news today, it appears that free speech rights prevented the authorities to deeply investigate into Hasan's (the terrorist who attack at Fort Hood) emails. He apparently sent emails to an imam (a person in an Islamic leadership position) seeking "spiritual and religious guidance." These emails were discovered, and were sent to the authorities including the Department of Defense, however little was done, because they didn't want to be "crucified" by investigating further, and it didn't seem like religious guidance was a big deal. Some people have wondered if that Hasan was treated lightly because the military and government didn't investigate this as much. However, investigators don't have any evidence that he was treated lightly.

Also, Religion plays a role, however big or small is to be debated, in this shooting. He apparently yelled God Is Great in Arabic. Some people feel that his religion has nothing to do with the crime he committed, while others believe that it played some role.

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, an anti gun advocate, claims that guns were the driving factor of the attack. He feels that America loves guns so much that we see them on a daily basis. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence feels the same. They think that the solution to gun violence isn't to arm more people with guns.

My Opinion: (Oh no!) I feel that Hasan committed a terrorist act, even though he isn't a "terrorist" in the traditional stereotype of "belongs to the Taliban or other such group." I feel that he was wrong in doing this and that his punishment should be carried out to the fullest extent of the law. I feel that the government didn't want to do much because of what happened when "We the People" heard of "wire tapping." People forgot that it was for our safety. In this case, the emails should have been looked at more closely. If it came to nothing, great. If there was something dangerous in them and it was dealt with then, it might have saved some soldiers lives and wounds. It would have saved the families of the soldiers a lot of heartache and stress. I don't know if Religion was an aspect of it, but I do feel that he is a radical, not a peaceful Muslim. If people are so into gun control, and so against guns, then how come cities that ban them have a higher crime rate than cities that don't ban guns. I think there should be rules to get guns, but it shouldn't be extremely regulated or banned. I know that if I was a robber and I wanted to rob a house, but I knew that there was a gun in the house and that the owner could use it well, I would probably not go there. However, if there was no gun at the house, I would be more inclined to go rob it. Even if you ban guns, there are still ways to kill people. That won't change. I also feel that the media has been very "politically correct" in reporting this story. Since when is doing something this awful just a "post-traumatic stress disorder?" This is an act of terror and violence. If it's just post-traumatic stress disorder, then how come I don't go crazy and shoot people right around finals time? If I did that, I would be arrested and thrown in jail. The media needs to be not so politically correct and report the news.


Yes, I did get that article from Fox News.
David Webb