Thursday, April 1, 2010


This isn't a current event.

I was a little confused as to what we were supposed to do for our project. I thought that one person would give a five minute speech, and then the rest of us would answer questions. I didn't know that each of us were supposed to give a speech. I was confused as to the format of what we were supposed to do.

However, that doesn't entirely excuse our group. I don't think we knew as much as we should have about the flat tax. From what I see, it looks like an excellent idea. I read about it online, and I watched a video on YouTube with Steve Forbes talking about it. I feel that the tax rate would be more fair to American families. The current average tax rate is 22 percent. This would be 17 percent. I feel that it is good and especially beneficial to not tax savings accounts and retirement accounts. It seems like with the flat tax, if you are smart with your money, you don't have to pay as much in taxes. It's a consumption tax from what I understand. I don't think that the rich should get higher taxes for being rich. Yeah, they can afford it, but it's not fair. If I work hard and earn a lot of money, then I don't want to have to pay for other people's laziness and unwillingness to work (although I do understand that there are a lot of families who work hard, but their jobs don't bring in much money.) The redistribution of wealth is not good in this country.

While I do not know everything about the flat tax, it looks like it might be a good idea. The government would spend less money on the IRS because the IRS would be reduced in size.

Also, it is hard to know what the people's questions are when everyone keeps interrupting. Mia asked a question about how poor people would pay for health care or something like that, and I am not sure if I got remotely close to answering her question (although she probably wouldn't agree with my answer anyway). That was frustrating.

So here's to better communicaton and preparedness in the future.

Oh, and I wasn't just sitting around watching TV on my day's off. I applied for a lot of scholarships and applied for three jobs. I also went to the elementary school where I work.

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