Wednesday, April 7, 2010
More hurricanes predicted
The 2010 Atlantic Hurricane season will produce eight hurricanes, four of them being major, the CSU hurricane forecasting team predicted on Wednesday. The season should start around June 1 and it's six month season would likely see 15 tropical storms. There is a 69 percent chance that one major hurricane will land on U.S. soil.
My Opinion: Time will certainly tell if we have bad hurricanes or not. If we do, oil prices will go up because the oil companies will freak out. That will not help our economy to grow. Also, if we have bad hurricanes, millions of dollars will have to be spent for rescue operations and rebuilding operations. So the potential for hurricanes is great, and hopefully we will be able compensate and be ready for them, and hopefully they will not hinder our economy more than it is or increase gas prices more than they are.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Obama is limiting potential uses of nuclear weapons
The U.S. is pledging to not use nuclear weapons against countries who don't have nukes, no matter what they use on us. The U.S. will "keep all options on the table" when it comes to dealing with North Korea and Iran. In Obama's new nuclear policy, the U.S. will not develop or test any new nuclear weapons. The policy is aimed at reducing the world's stockpiles of nuclear weapons, however some are concerned that the U.S. could put itself in danger if others don't follow. Robert Gates said that this document doesn't quite declare that the U.S. will never be the first to use a nuclear weapon. Nuclear treaty violators like Iran and North Korea are exempt from this new policy.
My Opinion: This has potential to be okay. I think that if countries use biological or chemical attacks on our country, we shouldn't entirely rule out nuclear weapons. However, the basic idea of not shooting off nukes on people who don't have them is probably an okay idea. I am glad that North Korea and Iran are not included in this new policy. It seems like North Korea and Iran are pretty unstable, and we need to keep enough nukes for the U.S. to be able to defend itself against these countries in the event of a threat from them.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Gas Mileage
I was a little confused as to what we were supposed to do for our project. I thought that one person would give a five minute speech, and then the rest of us would answer questions. I didn't know that each of us were supposed to give a speech. I was confused as to the format of what we were supposed to do.
However, that doesn't entirely excuse our group. I don't think we knew as much as we should have about the flat tax. From what I see, it looks like an excellent idea. I read about it online, and I watched a video on YouTube with Steve Forbes talking about it. I feel that the tax rate would be more fair to American families. The current average tax rate is 22 percent. This would be 17 percent. I feel that it is good and especially beneficial to not tax savings accounts and retirement accounts. It seems like with the flat tax, if you are smart with your money, you don't have to pay as much in taxes. It's a consumption tax from what I understand. I don't think that the rich should get higher taxes for being rich. Yeah, they can afford it, but it's not fair. If I work hard and earn a lot of money, then I don't want to have to pay for other people's laziness and unwillingness to work (although I do understand that there are a lot of families who work hard, but their jobs don't bring in much money.) The redistribution of wealth is not good in this country.
While I do not know everything about the flat tax, it looks like it might be a good idea. The government would spend less money on the IRS because the IRS would be reduced in size.
Also, it is hard to know what the people's questions are when everyone keeps interrupting. Mia asked a question about how poor people would pay for health care or something like that, and I am not sure if I got remotely close to answering her question (although she probably wouldn't agree with my answer anyway). That was frustrating.
So here's to better communicaton and preparedness in the future.
Oh, and I wasn't just sitting around watching TV on my day's off. I applied for a lot of scholarships and applied for three jobs. I also went to the elementary school where I work.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Dad charged court fees for protesters
A man was ordered to pay the court fees after anti military protesters came and picketed at his son's funeral. The man's son was a Marine who died in combat in 2006. The father, Albert Snyder, was ordered to pay the $16,510 owed to Fed Phelps, leader of the extremist Kansas Westboro Baptist Church. That church picketed Matthew Snyder's funeral. According to a Web site created in Snyder's honor, his relatives filed the civil lawsuit against the Westboro Baptist Church to "bring an end to the reign of terror and abuse that they inflicted" upon grieving families of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Snyder said that he is going to defy the court order. He has gotten a lot of support from people across the country. Even Bill Oreilly, who has a show on Fox News, said on the air that he will help Snyder with the legal fees saying, ""We have a foundation set up to help those in need of assistance, we will help Mr. Snyder who we feel is a victim of judicial injustice." Snyder also filed a brief with the Supreme Court. The high court agreed to consider whether the protesters message is protected under the First Amendment, or limited by competing privacy and religious rights of mourners.
My Opinion: While it might be their First Amendment right, this is definitely wrong. This is adding insult to injury. I do not feel that Albert Snyder should pay the court fees for a group that was protesting his son's funeral. You may not respect the war, but you MUST respect the warrior. The warrior gives us the freedom to disagree with the war, along with every other freedom in America. The warrior serves his country for us, the United States of America. He needs to be respected for that. America, for the most part, learned that after Vietnam. Apparently some people didn't learn that.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Bullying led to Massachusetts Teen Death
Nine teens have been charged with "unrelenting bullying" in the death of 15 year old Phoebe Prince. Phoebe moved here from Ireland. She had been raped and endured months of torment from classmates. District Attorney Elizabeth Scheibel said Phoebe was stalked and harassed from September until she killed herself January 14. The bullies-four girls and two boys- face charges including statutory rape, assault, violation of civil rights resulting in injury, criminal harassment, disturbance of a school assembly, and stalking. The case is still under investigation, and the DA hasn't commented on the circumstances of the rape.
My Opinion: It can be hard for people to fit in in high school. There have always been cliques and groups. Those are normal and a part of life. Not everyone fits in and gets along with everyone. However, bullying is purposely going out of your way to make somebody's life miserable. Teens have a hard enough time with acceptance today. We don't need other teens making our lives more miserable. This is sad, and it's terrible that it happened. But, hopefully people will start to realize that bullying is bad, and just doesn't occur on the elementary school playground.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Abortion ban on Colorado Ballots
An abortion ban will be on Colorado ballots this fall. The Secretary of State's Office said that Personhood, USA, which is based in Colorado, got enough valid signatures to put an abortion ending proposal on Colorado ballots this fall. This proposal would give unborn babies human rights in the state constitution. This would likely conflict with the U.S. Constitution and a woman's right to an abortion.
My Opinion: I feel that this is good. It has potential to give babies the chance to live. I agree with this ballot. A person is a person, no matter how small. I like how babies would get human rights.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Play involving a "Gay Jesus"
Residents of Stephenville, Texas are furious Tarleton State University, which is in Stephenville, Texas. They are angry because just in time for Easter, the University has decided to perform a play involving a gay Jesus. This play is a student run shortened version of Terrance McNally's 1998 play "Corpus Cristi," in which a gay Jesus performs a same sex wedding for two of his apostles as well as kisses with Judas (known as Joshua in the play.) Residents of Stephenville plan to protest this Saturday as the play is this Saturday. "It infuriates me that somebody would be given a platform to be able to demean and degrade the Son of God," said David Harris, pastor of the town's Hillcrest Church of Christ. "I'm angry about it and every Christian should be." The student (John Jordan Otte) who decided to do this play said that it will bring people together. "It is being said often that this play is a direct attack on Christians — their faith and their deity. It simply is not true," wrote Otte, 26, who said he is a devout Christian. This play supposedly represents a modern day version of Jesus life and death in 1960 in Corpus Cristi, Texas. Except there are a few differences. All the apostles are gay, Joseph is an alcoholic wife-beater, and Mary gives birth alongside a chorus of moaning men. The University has said that legally, they have to protect the student's first Amendment right. Also, A British Islamic group put out a death warrant against McNally, in 1999 when "Corpus Christi" premiered in London's Pleasance Theatre. If he visits an Islamic country, he could face arrest and execution.
My Opinion: I feel that this is not good. I do not agree with this. Jesus was not a homosexual. In fact, the Bible has a lot to say about homosexuality. "I Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." The Bible also has this to say: "Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." So while the Bible condemns homosexuality, it also condemns all other forms of sin. That is why Jesus came and died on the cross and rose on the third day, so that we might be forgiven of our sin. Homosexuality is included in this. His death covers ALL sin.
So anyway.......
I feel that this play is not right, and I do not agree with it. But I also know that it is their first Amendment right and I have to respect that. Just like it was my first Amendment right to put Bible quotes in this blog.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Health Care Passed/My Rant/Capitalism
Barack Hussein Obama's massive health care bill just passed the Senate -219-212. No Republicans voted for the Health Care Bill. House minority leader said this moments before the bill passed. "Can you say it was done openly, with transparency and accountability? Without backroom deals struck behind closed doors, hidden from the people?
"Hell no you can't!"
Nancy Pelosi had this to say about the Health Care Bill: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi praised the health care legislation for its ability to "unleash tremendous entrepreneurial power into our economy."
My Opinion: (Oh No!) Well America here comes more Socialism. I do not agree with this bill. I never have. I feel that it has way too much government intrusion into our lives. I feel that it was stupid for people to pass it, especially since very few people read it all the way though! Well that's smart isn't it? Let's just pass this thing and not even read it from cover to cover. Most of the "benefits" won't happen until 2014. I'll have graduated college by then! (Hopefully :) ) This thing will cost $940 billion dollars over ten years. That seems pretty expensive to me. I feel that government run health care is a big step toward American socialism. Not good. American was founded on Capitalism. Our founders were tired of the government running their lives. People have now bought into the idea that average people are too stupid and that we need the government to run our lives. Totally not true. The government is supposed to serve us, not vice versa. I also never liked the abortion ideas in this bill, although honestly I have no idea what the heck the final language was! At first it was "abortion" then it was "abortion only in rape or if the mom's life is in danger" now I don't even know what the final result of it was. There is far too much confusion in the public about this bill. I am glad that no Republicans voted for this bill. It's about time Republicans grew a pair and stood for something that they believed in. It's also interesting how many Democrats voted against this bill. People used to come to America to enjoy our somewhat expensive but GOOD health care. People who in Canada had to wait in lines for their care. I think that the only way the private industry that currently provides health care will survive is 1) if Obamacare sucks, 2) if Obamacare only covers a part and then private takes care of the rest. Like UPS/FedEx and USPS. USPS does letters and small packages. UPS/FedEx does bigger shipping.
Now Capitalism: Capitalism in its pure form is evil because it will stop at nothing to fulfill yourself. With pure capitalism you will screw over the other guy just to make a break. Socialism is bad because it can lead to Communism, and Socialism tends to prevent innovation. Communism is evil because "the government looks out for you." All they care about is equal poverty for everyone, while they get filthy rich. (Watch Dr. Zhivago sometime....) With Communism, you get rid of your freedoms in order for "government protection/them taking care of you for the rest of your life." I feel that Capitalism is the best, although not in its pure form. It promotes innovation and industry. It leaves the average individual the freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is what our country is founded on. Now rules are important. Health insurance companies shouldn't screw people over based on pre existing conditions. For example, my uncle found out that his aoreata (some big vein near his heart) is like 2mm bigger than normal, so his insurance rates went up. That's not fair. His health is fine. Stuff like that shouldn't happen. But, we don't need a massive government package telling us what to do and how to do it. Watch this video that the Harding College put out in 1948 that talks about Communism v Capitalism.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Democrats aren't using 'Deem and Pass'
Democrats have decided to not use the controversial deem and pass strategy to pass their health care bill. Deem and pass is when House members would approve the Senate's version of the health care bill without an actual vote, before taking up a second "fix it" resolution, known as reconciliation. House majority leader Steny Hoyer said that he believed that Democrats have enough votes to pass the health care bill.
My Opinion: I am glad that the controversial tactic is not going to happen. However, I still hope that this bill doesn't pass without some major overhauls including abortion and reducing the cost.
Health Care Cost and Debt Reduction
The Congressional Budget Office just released their figures for Obama's health care reform package. The bill will cost America $940 billion dollars over the next ten years. Yet, this bill is supposed to reduce the deficit of America by $138 billion over the next ten years. However, then student loan package has also been put together with the health care package. That counts for $19 billion of the ten year savings. So the health care savings is really only $119 billion dollars.
My Opinion: Maybe I don't understand this bill. Maybe I just don't get it. However, I don't understand how spending money is supposed to save money. That just doesn't make sense to me. I have never fully agreed with this health care reform bill, and I don't agree with how expensive it is or some of the provisions. I also don't agree with the whole government run thing. Fiscally, I just don't understand how spending money on reform saves us money. I also feel that this bill costs a lot of money and that we are in debt enough as it is.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Colorado Medical Marijuana Growers Report Invasion
Some medical marijuana growers in northern Colorado had their house broken into. At the house the robbers tied up the residents, stole guns and marijuana, and ransacked the house. Officials are looking into it.
My Opinion: This is one of the many reasons why I am against medical mary jane. I feel that it is too easy for people with "needs" to get their drugs. I also feel that it is too easy for people who are just plain addicted to it to get it. People who don't have a medical problem but are addicted to it can still get it. All they have to do is rob the grower or the supplier. What happened to these people's house is not good, however maybe medical marijuana needs reform (even more than health care). It's far too easy for people to get this stuff.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Republican Postpones Resignation
Georgia Republican Representative Nathan Deal has planned to postpone his resignation from Congress so that he can vote against health care reform. He was planning on stepping down on March 8, but now he will step down March 31. He plans to focus on his gubernatorial bid after stepping down. "Having been deeply involved in all health care legislation for the past decade, I knew it was important to stay and vote down this bill," Deal said. "Yesterday, as I listened to President Obama's aggressive push for a quick vote on 'Obama-Care,' it was clear that I must stay in Congress and continue to fight against the most liberal health care agenda ever proposed." Some critics have spoken against him leaving early, claiming that Democrats would have it easier when it comes to voting for a health care overhaul.
My Opinion: I feel that he is doing the right thing and that his vote against the health care system overhaul will help him with the Republicans in his potential race for the governors seat in Georgia.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Teen drugs and Alcohol
Teen usage of drugs and alcohol is on the rise. An annual survey found that the number of teens in grades 9-12 reported drinking in the last month rose 11% last year, with 39% (about 6.5 million) teens reporting alcohol use. Pot had 25% of teens smoking in the last month, up from 19% before that. From 1998 until last year, drug and alcohol use had been down among teenagers. Also, Ecstasy is on the rise. Six percent of teens said they used Ecstasy in the last month, verses four percent in 2008.,2933,587708,00.html
My Opinion: I feel that drugs and alcohol are bad. I feel that teenagers shouldn't be using them and that it is not their civil right to use drugs or alcohol. Alcohol should be used in moderation and when the drinker is over 21.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Republicans Urge President To Start Over on Health Care
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Gunman At Deer Creek
Yesterday a gunman fired off a few rounds from a high powered bolt action rifle in front of a public school. He did this right after the school got out for the day. The man, Bruco Strong Eagle Eastwood, shot two students before being tackled and subdued by a math teacher, Dr. David Benke. The police then came and arrested Bruco Strong Eagle Eastwood. One of the two students who was shot was treated and released at Littleton Adventist Hospital, while the other one is in critical condition. The teacher who tackled the man is now considered a national hero.,2933,587300,00.html
My Opinion: I am glad that the teacher did this. He saved a lot of lives and is definitely a hero. This incident is horrible, and it sucks that it happened at all. However, at least there were no deaths.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Man pleads guilty in Subway terror plot
Najibullah Zazi pleaded guilty in a plot to attack New York City with homemade bombs. Najibullah Zazi, 25, was a airport shuttle driver in Denver before all of this escalated. He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction, conspiracy to commit murder in a foreign country and providing material support to Al Qaeda. He is an Afghan native and faces a lifetime sentence without parole. He told a federal judge that he was trained by Al Quaeda for a martyrdom plan to attack New York City subways. He bought beauty supplies in Denver (in order to make peroxide based bombs) and drove a rental car from Denver to New York. However, he was spooked by a traffic stop, and flushed them down the toilet in an apartment building. He then got caught with his ideas and is now on trial and pleaded guilty for his terror plots.,2933,587142,00.html?test=latestnews
My Opinion: I am glad he was caught and I am glad he pleaded guilty. He was guilty. I hope the law carries out his punishment to its fullest extent.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Dad won't face death penalty
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Pilot furious with IRS
Today, a small plane pilot flew his small plane into an office building in Texas where nearly 200 tax employees work. He did this because he was furious with the IRS. The President and the Police Chiefs have classified this as a criminal act, not an act of terror. The man who flew into the building was 53 year old Joseph Stack. One person who worked in the building was unaccounted for, two were hospitalized, and thirteen were treated at the scene and released. U.S. law investigators were looking into a lengthy anti-government "manifesto" that Slack has been writing on his website. He had comments like,
"If you’re reading this, you’re no doubt asking yourself, “Why did this have to happen?' The simple truth is that it is complicated and has been coming for a long time...
"Violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer...
"I saw it written once that the definition of insanity is repeating the same process over and over and expecting the outcome to suddenly be different. I am finally ready to stop this insanity. Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS man, let's try something different; take my pound of flesh and sleep well."
This is supposed to be his suicide note.,2933,586581,00.html
My Opinion: I feel that what he did was horrible. I am glad that most people survived. I think he was partially insane, and he didn't do the legal and necessary things to deal with whatever problem he had. Too bad for him and his family.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Obama to Create Deficit Panel
Friday, February 12, 2010
Reid slashes jobs bill
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Gibbs makes fun of Palin
Robert Gibbs made fun of Sarah Palin today. He wrote on his hand a list: Eggs, Milk, Bread, Hope, Change. This was making fun of her because she had a list of things on her hand when she made a speech at the Tea Party Convention. That list said: Energy, Budget Cuts, Tax, and Lift American Spirits. Budget Cuts was crossed out. Also, on Gibbs hand, Bread was crossed out.
My Opinion: Sarah Palin jabbed Obama on always using a teleprompter, but then she had a list on her hand. Kind of funny, somewhat hypocritical. There is a big difference between a few words on a hand and a teleprompter though. As for Robert Gibbs, he is just being stupid. Then again, what's new for him? And Independents wonder why Republicans and Democrats don't work well together......
Monday, February 8, 2010
Planned Parenthood Creates Sex Ed Program
Planned Parenthood has come up with a report called Stand & Deliver. This report slams various religions like Catholicism, as well as the Islamic religion saying, "Young people's sexuality is still contentious for many religious institutions. Fundamentalist and other religious groups — the Catholic Church and madrasas (Islamic Schools) for example — have imposed tremendous barriers that prevent young people, particularly, from obtaining information and services related to sex and reproduction. Currently, many religious teachings deny the pleasurable and positive aspects of sex."So they want to bring this sex education in schools. Their report would highlight the positive and negative aspects of sex, including topics such as homo and heterosexuality, transgender and bisexuality, abortion, contraceptives, masturbation and abstinence. This report says Planned Parenthood would teach this stuff to children as young as 10 years old. This report is supposed to show sexuality a "positive force for change and development, as a source of pleasure, an embodiment of human,2933,585108,00.html?test=latestnews
Friday, February 5, 2010
Obama says we are climbing out
President Obama has stated that we are climbing out of the recession. He stated this because the Unemployment rate for January fell .3%. He also said that "These numbers, while positive, are a cause for hope but not celebration because far too many of our of neighbors, and friends and family are out of work." Obama's economic advisor also said that even though today's numbers are starting to show signs of a recovering economy, there is still a long way to go to get the economy robust and healthy. January's job losses are the smallest since the recession began.
My Opinion: I don't think that all of this has to do with his spending bills. I think some of it has to do with that, but not all. However, I am glad that jobs are coming back and hopefully this is a turn in the right direction.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Obama pushes Energy with GOP Support
President Obama has started working on his energy proposals for this year. He is hoping to have bipartisan support with his proposals, which include clean coal powerplants and technology, and more nuclear power along with offshore drilling. Obama said that it(drilling and nuclear power) was good for our national security as well as for the economy. It's good for national security because we won't be as dependent on foreign oil, and it's good for our economy because it will create jobs. He is also calling on Washington and the private sector to spend more money on bio fuels. Also, the EPA just created a new rule requiring the US companies to produce 13 billion gallons of renewable fuels this year, which is up from about 11.1 last year. The goal is to produce 36 billion gallons by the year 2022.
My Opinion: I feel that this is a step in the right direction. I feel that nuclear power is a good alternative energy source. I also feel that using more of our own oil will be very beneficial to our economy. I like his ideas of bipartisanship, and I hope that this energy stuff will really pick up speed. Lastly, I hope the government provides good compromises between the environmentalists and the people who want to drill here. Hopefully the environmentalists won't shut all of this stuff down, as it is a really good energy potential.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Obama announces Budget
Today President Obama announced the budget for 2011.
He announced that 10 years ago we were in a budget surplus. He stated that we didn't pay for the two wars we have been in. He then announced what other stuff he was going to do, as in the video.
My Opinion: I don't think he is going to cut the deficit by adding $1.3 trillion to our deficit. That simply doesn't work. Hopefully he can cut the deficit, but in my book, spending more money doesn't get one out of debt. For further information that follows some of my opinions check out this:
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Obama proposes $$$ to help cities host 9/11 terror trials
President Obama has proposed giving cities $200 million to help with security costs in hosting the trial of 9/11 terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. A congressional aid said that this money is already in the president's budget for this fiscal year, which is being released Monday. Last year, the administration said that the trials would be held in lower Manhattan, near where the World Trade Center used to be. However, there is growing opposition in the city and the government looks to be holding it elsewhere. Michael Bloomberg but the cost of the higher security that would be necessary at $216 million. Some states have more federal workers, like Illinois, and would welcome the trials. Other states don't want to have anything to do with the trials.
My Opinion: He is not an American citizen. Hold the trial at Guantanamo Bay.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Obama's State of the Union Address
Monday, January 25, 2010
Blame Bush getting old
Friday, January 22, 2010
Obama won't walk away/job creation
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Obama wants to take over
President Barack Obama wants to seek new governmental power to limit bank risks. He called on Congress today to limit the size and complexity of major financial institutions. He figures that this way banks won't become too bloated and taking on risks that threaten the economy. He doesn't like the obscene bonuses, and irresponsible behavior. He said that they need to be regulated. The House and the Senate are drafting their own versions of the bill. He hopes to tighten the reigns on the banks, so that the American people aren't help hostage by banks that are too big to fail.
My Opinion: I don't like unnecessary government intervention. I think that the government needs to not have to regulate and micromanage everything. In order for Capitalism to work correctly, there needs to be business opportunities for PRIVATE businesses to function correctly without a government agency completely micromanaging everything they do. However, there do need to be some laws set up by the government so that the average individual doesn't get screwed over. Some laws are ok, but too many and things turn regulatory, which then turn Socialist. People can think for themselves, and the government doesn't always need to micromanage. However, obscene bonuses and poor decisions aren't good for banks and big businesses to be making because then We The People has to bail them out and save them, otherwise we go down with them. So, to make a long opinion short, government rules:Yes. Government regulation/micromanaging:NO I guess time will tell if this legislation just means rules or regulation.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Brown Victorious over Coakley
The recent race for the Senate seat to replace Ted Kennedy's seat is finally over. The victor? Scott Brown, Republican. Massachusetts, a very Liberal state, had an election to fill the seat Ted Kennedy left behind when he died last year. This is quite the upset. He won 52-47 percent over Martha Coakley, who was running against Scott Brown as a Democrat. His win is enough to filibuster the long debated health care debate. Obama, and his fellow Liberals aren't too happy about that. Democrats will now have to scramble to pass their health care legislation. They also aren't too happy that he could hinder their attempts at reforming cap and trade.
My Opinion: I'm glad he is in. I hope he stalls the cap and trade reforms as well as the health care, or completely dismantles them, although that is unlikely to happen. Hopefully he will do a good job for the minority Republican.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Obama approval poll
At the end of 2009, Barack Obama's first year approval polls came out. According to a Fox News poll, 50% of American's approve of Barack Obama's job as president, while 42% don't agree with how he is doing his job. Almost 2 out of 3 people are in some way dissatisfied with how things are going in the United States today. Obama's ratings are holding steady as the year has gone. At the beginning of the year he had 65% approval rating, and it has steadily dropped, but that is kind of expected as a first year president. The honeymoon with the people is over.,2933,583052,00.html
My Opinion: Bush's ratings were about the same, and people were always saying how low his was. Obama isn't doing too bad of a job for those who agree with him, and a 50% approval rating is about what I would expect from Mr. Obama.
Act of Terrorism
This is kind of an RE: to my other post about the Fort Hood terrorist incidents.
The Obama administration is finally calling the Fort Hood shootings an act of terror. The official is quoted as telling a bunch of reporters, "To me, what he did certainly was using terror at its worst." This was rather stunning because this is the first time the Obama administration has refered to the Fort Hood Shootings as an act of terror. Defense Secretary Robert Gates didn't characterize the November 5 incident. When asked about it, first he said that he didn't want to disrupt a legal case, and when asked further about it, he said that he wasn't going there.
My Opinion: It;s about time somebody in Obama's administration called the Fort Hood massacre/terrorist attack for what it was.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Racist commits toward Obama from.....Democrat!
In a stunning turn of events, Democrats can make racist comments too! Harry Reid is told to have described Obama as 'light skinned with no Negro dialect, even if he wants one' . This remark made by the Senate majority leader is very stunning. Harry Reid has apologized for that remark and wants to move on. However, Republicans aren't going to waste a good crisis. They want Harry Reid to step down from his position as Senate Majority Leader. Republicans are claiming the Democrats have a double standard because in 2002 Sen. Trent Lott praised the late Senator Strom Thurmond, a former segregationist, at his 100 birthday party. Lott resigned in the wake of the controversy that followed, and apparently Harry Reid was one of the first to jump on Trent Lott.
My Opinion: I already threw some opinions in there, but I feel that he was wrong. If Republicans are going to be held to a certain standard, then so should Democrats. Political correctness is sure interesting any more. We can cuss all we want to (Rham Emmanuel) but we can't ever offend anybody.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Obama won't fire people
President Obama stated the other day that he doesn't want to fire the top officials over the bombing. He said that there is plenty of blame to go around and that the buck stops with him. He changed some policy issues but didn't fire anyone over the bombings. He said that all of the clues were there, but they didn't connect the dots.
My Opinion: The system barely worked, and certain people aren't being held responsible.
Obama announces Green Jobs
Obama announced on Friday that he will create green jobs. These jobs are to be robust jobs for the future. They have already been paid for as part of the Stimulus Package that he passed last year. The unemployment rate has stayed at 10 percent for December. His plan would allow 17000 green jobs, however 85000 were lost in December. The companies that employ these people would get $2 billion in tax credits.
My Opinion: These jobs are a good idea, however I feel that they will not last long. It will kind of go like Roosevelts jobs creations. Once the jobs are done, they're done.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Stuff that happened over Christmas
This is just a journal of stuff that happened over Christmas.
President Barack Hussein Obama took a lovely vacation in the Hawaiian vacation with his family. While he was surfing, and playing basketball, and chillin', We the People were here doing the same. However, on Christmas Day, a radical terrorists was able to get on board an airplane with exploding underwear. He made it through security, but was caught just in time. This plan nearly worked for him. The radical terrorist's own father had contacted the government authorities earlier and said that he was dangerous and not peaceful. But they obviously didn't do much about him.
Democrats in the Senate passed the Health Care bill that we all need so desperately on Christmas Eve. Now, they just have to combine the bills together for a final bill. The house one is like $1 trillion and the Senate's is $800 billion.
A house in Fruita, near mine, burned down when the owners left to go somewhere. They left space heaters on for their animals, and one of them knocked it down and it started the house on fire. The house is mostly gone, except for the garage. Luckily, they were renters and had renters insurance.
Gunman Kills Three
A long time employee at St. Louis power company opened fire on people after arriving to work on last Thursday morning. He then killed himself. His name was Anthony Hendron, he was 51. Eight people were injured by the shooting, five of them were hospitalized, three are in critical condition. It's unclear what the motive was. However, in 2006, he and other workers sued the company over retirement losses. His family is devastated by what happened.,2933,582387,00.html?test=latestnews
My Opinion: It's horrible that it happened.
Rape from a 13 year old
Last July, a group of very young teens/preteens got together and gang-raped a girl who was 8 years old at the time. Four boys, ages 9-13, lured the girl to a storage shed while claiming that they had chewing gum for her. They restrained her, then took turns raping her. All of the children are Liberian refugees. They are in various positions of standing trial. One of the four, who was 14 then and is now 15 was tried as an adult. The 13 year old in the internet article was just released to his parents. He has to wear a tracking device, has to go to restoration lessons, he must stay home unless he is with an adult, he can't have any contact with the girl or his rape friends, and he can't be around any children under 12 years of age. The thought is that it is better for him to be home while on trial. He's being charged with kidnapping and sexual assault, but it isn't clear yet if he will be charged as a adult or not. His name hasn't been mentioned because of how young he is.,2933,582465,00.html
My Opinion: Rape is horrible. 13 year old boys are capable of it, and therefore they should be tried as an adult.