Thursday, February 25, 2010

Republicans Urge President To Start Over on Health Care

Republicans have told the President that he should start from scratch on reforming the nation's health care. They told him this at the beginning of the highly anticipated White House summit on Health Care. They also renounced an unusual move to aviod a Republican filibuster. This move is called reconciliation, a procedure that would pass a bill with a majority of 51 votes. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rejected Senator Lamar-Alexander's, (R-Tenn), call for a promise from Democrats that they wouldn't use reconciliation. "We believe we have a better idea," said Senator Alexander. Obama said that both parties should focus on the stuff they agree with, like reducing health care costs. He said that after agreeing, then look at the stuff Republicans and Democrats disagree on, and then we'll assess whether we can bridge the differences. "I don't know yet whether we can," the president said. "My hope is that we can. I'm going to be very eager to hear and explore how we might do so."

My Opinion: Good for the Republicans. In his State of the Union address, Obama specifically asked Republicans to add their ideas, and that if anyone had a better idea, he was all ears. He needs to remember this and listen to Republicans. Pretty much saying that they will use reconciliation to pass what they want doesn't make him or his party look like they want to work together with "bipartisanship." It makes the Democrats look like they will get this health care passed through hell or high water. Enough is enough. Work together. However, I get real tired of this talk about bipartisianship. I mean, it is okay to a certain point, but if everybody is in the middle, it almost makes people look spineless. Republicans need to stick to their ideals and Democrats need to stick with their ideals. It almost seems that Democrats always call for bipartisianship when they want Republicans to do whatever they want. Enough. Some working together, but not spineless caving to whatever they want. Maybe Obama should take a serious look at the Republican's plan and then they can see about working together.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gunman At Deer Creek

Yesterday a gunman fired off a few rounds from a high powered bolt action rifle in front of a public school. He did this right after the school got out for the day. The man, Bruco Strong Eagle Eastwood, shot two students before being tackled and subdued by a math teacher, Dr. David Benke. The police then came and arrested Bruco Strong Eagle Eastwood. One of the two students who was shot was treated and released at Littleton Adventist Hospital, while the other one is in critical condition. The teacher who tackled the man is now considered a national hero.,2933,587300,00.html

My Opinion: I am glad that the teacher did this. He saved a lot of lives and is definitely a hero. This incident is horrible, and it sucks that it happened at all. However, at least there were no deaths.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Man pleads guilty in Subway terror plot

Najibullah Zazi pleaded guilty in a plot to attack New York City with homemade bombs. Najibullah Zazi, 25, was a airport shuttle driver in Denver before all of this escalated. He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction, conspiracy to commit murder in a foreign country and providing material support to Al Qaeda. He is an Afghan native and faces a lifetime sentence without parole. He told a federal judge that he was trained by Al Quaeda for a martyrdom plan to attack New York City subways. He bought beauty supplies in Denver (in order to make peroxide based bombs) and drove a rental car from Denver to New York. However, he was spooked by a traffic stop, and flushed them down the toilet in an apartment building. He then got caught with his ideas and is now on trial and pleaded guilty for his terror plots.,2933,587142,00.html?test=latestnews

My Opinion: I am glad he was caught and I am glad he pleaded guilty. He was guilty. I hope the law carries out his punishment to its fullest extent.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dad won't face death penalty

A man was accused with killing his daughter in Arizona. This man will not face the death penalty. He killed his daughter by running her over with a Jeep Cherokee. This killing is being described as an honor killing. Faleh Almaleki killed his daughter because she was becoming "too Westernized." His daughter, Noor Almaleki, later died. Her father is cited with first degree assult, and two counts of leaving the scene of a serious accident.

My Opinion: I feel that this is horrible. The death penalty should be an option as a punishment for him.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pilot furious with IRS

Today, a small plane pilot flew his small plane into an office building in Texas where nearly 200 tax employees work. He did this because he was furious with the IRS. The President and the Police Chiefs have classified this as a criminal act, not an act of terror. The man who flew into the building was 53 year old Joseph Stack. One person who worked in the building was unaccounted for, two were hospitalized, and thirteen were treated at the scene and released. U.S. law investigators were looking into a lengthy anti-government "manifesto" that Slack has been writing on his website. He had comments like,

"If you’re reading this, you’re no doubt asking yourself, “Why did this have to happen?' The simple truth is that it is complicated and has been coming for a long time...

"Violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer...

"I saw it written once that the definition of insanity is repeating the same process over and over and expecting the outcome to suddenly be different. I am finally ready to stop this insanity. Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS man, let's try something different; take my pound of flesh and sleep well."

This is supposed to be his suicide note.,2933,586581,00.html

My Opinion: I feel that what he did was horrible. I am glad that most people survived. I think he was partially insane, and he didn't do the legal and necessary things to deal with whatever problem he had. Too bad for him and his family.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Obama to Create Deficit Panel

The United States deficit keeps on soaring. So President Obama has come up with an idea. This idea is to create a deficit panel. This panel will be run by former White House chief of staff Erskine Bowles and former Republican Senate whip Alan Simpson. The President has yet to announce this, but a senior adminstration official stated this yesterday. This panel would be called the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. The deficit hit $1.4 trillion last year, and is expected to hit $1 trillion this year. Obama and his economic team have repeatedly said that this is not sustainable.

My Opinion: I feel that Obama just needs to stop spending as much money. Health care 'reform' would cost a lot of money too. We don't all need that. Maybe the 'reforms' should wait until the economy gets better.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Reid slashes jobs bill

Harry Reid slimmed down the jobs bill from $85 billion to $15 billion, tossing out important priorities for Republicans and Democrats. He did this because he was faced with the critisim that the Democratic sponsered jobs bill won't create new jobs. Reid, when asked about it said, "We are going to move a smaller package than talked about in the press. Republicans are going to have to make a choice. We have a bipartisan bill that will create jobs, according to the CBO, immediately." It is hard to tell if this bill will be as bipartisan because the smaller package gets rid of some key provisions such as a popular package of tax extenders that Republicans are keen to renew. Republicans are now mad about this new decision. "Sen. Reid's announcement sends a message that he wants to go partisan and blame Republicans when Sen. Grassley and others were trying to find common ground on solutions to help get the economy back on track and people back to work," said Grassley spokeswoman Jill Kozeny.

My Opinion: I feel that this pulled the rug out of the idea of bipartisanship. This was a stupid move by Mr. Reid. Obama says he wants bipartisanship, yet this stuff happens.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Gibbs makes fun of Palin

Robert Gibbs made fun of Sarah Palin today. He wrote on his hand a list: Eggs, Milk, Bread, Hope, Change. This was making fun of her because she had a list of things on her hand when she made a speech at the Tea Party Convention. That list said: Energy, Budget Cuts, Tax, and Lift American Spirits. Budget Cuts was crossed out. Also, on Gibbs hand, Bread was crossed out.

My Opinion: Sarah Palin jabbed Obama on always using a teleprompter, but then she had a list on her hand. Kind of funny, somewhat hypocritical. There is a big difference between a few words on a hand and a teleprompter though. As for Robert Gibbs, he is just being stupid. Then again, what's new for him? And Independents wonder why Republicans and Democrats don't work well together......

Monday, February 8, 2010

Planned Parenthood Creates Sex Ed Program

Planned Parenthood has come up with a report called Stand & Deliver. This report slams various religions like Catholicism, as well as the Islamic religion saying, "Young people's sexuality is still contentious for many religious institutions. Fundamentalist and other religious groups — the Catholic Church and madrasas (Islamic Schools) for example — have imposed tremendous barriers that prevent young people, particularly, from obtaining information and services related to sex and reproduction. Currently, many religious teachings deny the pleasurable and positive aspects of sex."So they want to bring this sex education in schools. Their report would highlight the positive and negative aspects of sex, including topics such as homo and heterosexuality, transgender and bisexuality, abortion, contraceptives, masturbation and abstinence. This report says Planned Parenthood would teach this stuff to children as young as 10 years old. This report is supposed to show sexuality a "positive force for change and development, as a source of pleasure, an embodiment of human rights and an expression of self." However, Conservatives and Religious groups are speaking out against this new idea. Ed Mechamn, spokesman for New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, said that this program is part of an effort to get children to reject traditional values and accept a liberal American-European view. He also said that religions like Catholicism and Islam teach sex as part of a much bigger picture and that Planned Parenthood was trying to de-link sex from traditional values. Other Conservatives feel that this will undermine the roll of Mom and Dad in the family.,2933,585108,00.html?test=latestnews

My Opinion: I feel that sex education is ok. I feel that abstinence is one of the best ways. I feel that older children and teens should be informed about all fo the options available to them, including the positive and negative aspects of sex. I just don't know that 10 year olds need to know some of this stuff. People need to know of unintended consequences. They also need to know that sex is emotional as well as physical and that sex is not just a (albeit fun) bodily function. Sex should be saved for marriage, or in the least, for someone you deeply love and care about. Casual sex is bad and takes that idea of emotional closeness out of sex. I do feel that this can undermine the roll of parents telling their kids about sex, but then how many parents actually comprehensively tell their children all about sex?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Obama says we are climbing out

President Obama has stated that we are climbing out of the recession. He stated this because the Unemployment rate for January fell .3%. He also said that "These numbers, while positive, are a cause for hope but not celebration because far too many of our of neighbors, and friends and family are out of work." Obama's economic advisor also said that even though today's numbers are starting to show signs of a recovering economy, there is still a long way to go to get the economy robust and healthy. January's job losses are the smallest since the recession began.

My Opinion: I don't think that all of this has to do with his spending bills. I think some of it has to do with that, but not all. However, I am glad that jobs are coming back and hopefully this is a turn in the right direction.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Obama pushes Energy with GOP Support

President Obama has started working on his energy proposals for this year. He is hoping to have bipartisan support with his proposals, which include clean coal powerplants and technology, and more nuclear power along with offshore drilling. Obama said that it(drilling and nuclear power) was good for our national security as well as for the economy. It's good for national security because we won't be as dependent on foreign oil, and it's good for our economy because it will create jobs. He is also calling on Washington and the private sector to spend more money on bio fuels. Also, the EPA just created a new rule requiring the US companies to produce 13 billion gallons of renewable fuels this year, which is up from about 11.1 last year. The goal is to produce 36 billion gallons by the year 2022.

My Opinion: I feel that this is a step in the right direction. I feel that nuclear power is a good alternative energy source. I also feel that using more of our own oil will be very beneficial to our economy. I like his ideas of bipartisanship, and I hope that this energy stuff will really pick up speed. Lastly, I hope the government provides good compromises between the environmentalists and the people who want to drill here. Hopefully the environmentalists won't shut all of this stuff down, as it is a really good energy potential.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Obama announces Budget

Today President Obama announced the budget for 2011.
He announced that 10 years ago we were in a budget surplus. He stated that we didn't pay for the two wars we have been in. He then announced what other stuff he was going to do, as in the video.

My Opinion: I don't think he is going to cut the deficit by adding $1.3 trillion to our deficit. That simply doesn't work. Hopefully he can cut the deficit, but in my book, spending more money doesn't get one out of debt. For further information that follows some of my opinions check out this: