Saturday, January 30, 2010

Obama proposes $$$ to help cities host 9/11 terror trials

President Obama has proposed giving cities $200 million to help with security costs in hosting the trial of 9/11 terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. A congressional aid said that this money is already in the president's budget for this fiscal year, which is being released Monday. Last year, the administration said that the trials would be held in lower Manhattan, near where the World Trade Center used to be. However, there is growing opposition in the city and the government looks to be holding it elsewhere. Michael Bloomberg but the cost of the higher security that would be necessary at $216 million. Some states have more federal workers, like Illinois, and would welcome the trials. Other states don't want to have anything to do with the trials.

My Opinion: He is not an American citizen. Hold the trial at Guantanamo Bay.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama's State of the Union Address

Unfortunately for those who don't agree with me, this blog will be mostly opinion about what I liked and didn't like about President Obama's speech last night.

What I liked

I liked his general speechmaking techniques. His were definately better than George W. Bush's. I like his idea of starting nuclear power and clean coal technology. I have always felt that nuclear power would solve a lot of problems on both sides of the isle. For liberals, it's clean and very effecient. For conservatives, it is cheap and would put a lot of people to work, and the US wouldn't have to rely on oil from other countries as much. I liked his idea of freezing spending next year. I feel that that is a step in the right direction. Freezing spending would be good for our economy. I liked how he finally took some blame for how much he spent this past year in office. I like the idea of improving education for students. I liked his proposal of creating more jobs and I liked how he said he eliminated $20 billion worth of stuff from the budget for next year.

What I didn't like

I didn't like how he acted like a Washington outsider, referring to "them" as if he isn't the president. I didn't like how he got on Republicans saying, "To Democrats, I would remind you that we still have the largest majority in decades, and the people expect us to solve problems, not run for the hills. And if the Republican leadership is going to insist that 60 votes in the Senate are required to do any business at all in this town — a supermajority — then the responsibility to govern is now yours as well. Just saying no to everything may be good short-term politics, but it's not leadership. We were sent here to serve our citizens, not our ambitions. So let's show the American people that we can do it together." To me, that's like saying, "Republicans, it's not showing leadership to just vote no on everything." Well, maybe they are voting no because the Republicans who voted their representatives into office don't want any of his stuff, at least not without further review. Why should Republicans vote yes for everything when they haven't read the bills and the Republicans who voted in their representatives don't want it. That is truly representing your people. It takes guts to do what they are doing, and to me, that is real leadership. Not doing what Obama wants, but doing what your party wants. I didn't agree with how he got on the Supreme Court. If he has issues with them and one of their rulings, then fine. I just don't think the State of the Union address was the appropriate time to do it. They couldn't defend them selves. Wrong place, Mr. Obama.

I also don't think more spending like job creation bills will help our economy. I feel that the government is too big, and that the economy will right it self with less government intervention. As I said before in a previous post, Government rules so that the average individual doesn't get screwed over? Yes, of course. Government extreme regulation, unappointed czars, government take overs? No, that's too much government. And that's a fine line to have, because there are always going to be people on both sides. I also didn't agree with how he constantly compared the US to China and India. Yes, they are developing countries. One of the reasons they develop faster is because they don't have special interest groups and environmentalists to slow things down. Oh, and China and India pollute way more than the US does. Their environment laws are far less restrictive than ours. I didn't agree with his ending of the don't ask don't tell laws. Just something I don't agree with.

Oh, and enough with the bashing of Bush. Yes, the economy was down when you got into office, but you have been the president for a year now. For most of the Bush administration, the unemployment rate was low, and things weren't too bad.

So anyway, there is my rant. I was surprised, there was a lot of his speech that I actually liked. So here is to another year! We'll see what happens.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Blame Bush getting old

President Obama and his top advisors have always been one for blaming former President George W. Bush for the problems in America. However, after Obama's first year in office, the blame Bush ideas are getting old for some people. Some Republicans and even some Democrats are tired of the blame Bush strategy that has been used by the Obama administration and are saying that the anti Bush movement has pretty much gone dormant. "They didn't like his (George W. Bush's) policies...You saw it, what we call the surge voters," said former Rep. Tom Davis, former chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. Obama made a statement Saturday about the creation of a deficit - tackling commission, refering to the "economic downturn we inherited" and the "years of failing to pay for new policies" and the "trillions of dollars of deficits" the Bush adminstration created. Yet after a year in office, shouldn't things be different and shouldn't the President start to take responsibility for his actions?

My Opinion: It's about time Obama took responsibility for his actions. His stimulus package isn't working as well as he thought, he keeps having to come up with new job bills. He is trying to cram health care down the American's throats, when half if not a little more than half of all American's don't want it, or don't want their kind of reform. Yes, the stock market is going up, but so has unemployment since Bush left office. When he left, it was 9%, and now it's 10%. Oh, and for the majority of the Bush adminstration, unemployment has been like 6% or below, and the economy has been pretty good, except for $4 gas that one summer. Things started getting bad around 2007-2008. Not all 8 years were bad. The President has very little to do with the health of the economy anyway, although that's starting to change. The Obama administration has spent a lot of money this year, how dare they look at the Bush administration and say "he spent so much money," the Obama administration has spent a heck of a lot too. Enough is enough, time to start taking the blame for things Obama.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Obama won't walk away/job creation

President Barack Hussein Obama has pledged today that he won't walk away from health care reform. He told people in Cleaveland that he is committed to driving down health care costs. He talked about the economy, the jobs, and he tried to link health care reform to job creation. "Health care is part of our drag on the economy," President Obama stated. He also wants Congress to pass a job creations bill as well as the health care bill. He demanded that it include tax breaks for small businesses as well as for American's who make their homes more energy effecient. His job creations bill is supposed to help create jobs. Congress will be looking at that next. Last month, he passed a job legislation stimulus package for $174 and that package is now before the Senate.

My Opinion: While I am not really surprised that he still wants to pass the health care, it is not surprising. He's like the Energizer bunny. I still don't agree with his health care. Oh, and the $819 billion stimulus package was supposed to create 6 million jobs. So why do we need job bills after job bills. Humm, that must mean that the stimulus package didn't work as well as he thought. Boy, and the Liberals say the Bush administration was expensive. He was, but so is Obama.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Obama wants to take over

President Barack Obama wants to seek new governmental power to limit bank risks. He called on Congress today to limit the size and complexity of major financial institutions. He figures that this way banks won't become too bloated and taking on risks that threaten the economy. He doesn't like the obscene bonuses, and irresponsible behavior. He said that they need to be regulated. The House and the Senate are drafting their own versions of the bill. He hopes to tighten the reigns on the banks, so that the American people aren't help hostage by banks that are too big to fail.

My Opinion: I don't like unnecessary government intervention. I think that the government needs to not have to regulate and micromanage everything. In order for Capitalism to work correctly, there needs to be business opportunities for PRIVATE businesses to function correctly without a government agency completely micromanaging everything they do. However, there do need to be some laws set up by the government so that the average individual doesn't get screwed over. Some laws are ok, but too many and things turn regulatory, which then turn Socialist. People can think for themselves, and the government doesn't always need to micromanage. However, obscene bonuses and poor decisions aren't good for banks and big businesses to be making because then We The People has to bail them out and save them, otherwise we go down with them. So, to make a long opinion short, government rules:Yes. Government regulation/micromanaging:NO I guess time will tell if this legislation just means rules or regulation.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brown Victorious over Coakley

The recent race for the Senate seat to replace Ted Kennedy's seat is finally over. The victor? Scott Brown, Republican. Massachusetts, a very Liberal state, had an election to fill the seat Ted Kennedy left behind when he died last year. This is quite the upset. He won 52-47 percent over Martha Coakley, who was running against Scott Brown as a Democrat. His win is enough to filibuster the long debated health care debate. Obama, and his fellow Liberals aren't too happy about that. Democrats will now have to scramble to pass their health care legislation. They also aren't too happy that he could hinder their attempts at reforming cap and trade.

My Opinion: I'm glad he is in. I hope he stalls the cap and trade reforms as well as the health care, or completely dismantles them, although that is unlikely to happen. Hopefully he will do a good job for the minority Republican.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Obama approval poll

At the end of 2009, Barack Obama's first year approval polls came out. According to a Fox News poll, 50% of American's approve of Barack Obama's job as president, while 42% don't agree with how he is doing his job. Almost 2 out of 3 people are in some way dissatisfied with how things are going in the United States today. Obama's ratings are holding steady as the year has gone. At the beginning of the year he had 65% approval rating, and it has steadily dropped, but that is kind of expected as a first year president. The honeymoon with the people is over.,2933,583052,00.html

My Opinion: Bush's ratings were about the same, and people were always saying how low his was. Obama isn't doing too bad of a job for those who agree with him, and a 50% approval rating is about what I would expect from Mr. Obama.

Act of Terrorism

This is kind of an RE: to my other post about the Fort Hood terrorist incidents.

The Obama administration is finally calling the Fort Hood shootings an act of terror. The official is quoted as telling a bunch of reporters, "To me, what he did certainly was using terror at its worst." This was rather stunning because this is the first time the Obama administration has refered to the Fort Hood Shootings as an act of terror. Defense Secretary Robert Gates didn't characterize the November 5 incident. When asked about it, first he said that he didn't want to disrupt a legal case, and when asked further about it, he said that he wasn't going there.

My Opinion: It;s about time somebody in Obama's administration called the Fort Hood massacre/terrorist attack for what it was.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Racist commits toward Obama from.....Democrat!

In a stunning turn of events, Democrats can make racist comments too! Harry Reid is told to have described Obama as 'light skinned with no Negro dialect, even if he wants one' . This remark made by the Senate majority leader is very stunning. Harry Reid has apologized for that remark and wants to move on. However, Republicans aren't going to waste a good crisis. They want Harry Reid to step down from his position as Senate Majority Leader. Republicans are claiming the Democrats have a double standard because in 2002 Sen. Trent Lott praised the late Senator Strom Thurmond, a former segregationist, at his 100 birthday party. Lott resigned in the wake of the controversy that followed, and apparently Harry Reid was one of the first to jump on Trent Lott.

My Opinion: I already threw some opinions in there, but I feel that he was wrong. If Republicans are going to be held to a certain standard, then so should Democrats. Political correctness is sure interesting any more. We can cuss all we want to (Rham Emmanuel) but we can't ever offend anybody.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Obama won't fire people

President Obama stated the other day that he doesn't want to fire the top officials over the bombing. He said that there is plenty of blame to go around and that the buck stops with him. He changed some policy issues but didn't fire anyone over the bombings. He said that all of the clues were there, but they didn't connect the dots.

My Opinion: The system barely worked, and certain people aren't being held responsible.

Obama announces Green Jobs

Obama announced on Friday that he will create green jobs. These jobs are to be robust jobs for the future. They have already been paid for as part of the Stimulus Package that he passed last year. The unemployment rate has stayed at 10 percent for December. His plan would allow 17000 green jobs, however 85000 were lost in December. The companies that employ these people would get $2 billion in tax credits.

My Opinion: These jobs are a good idea, however I feel that they will not last long. It will kind of go like Roosevelts jobs creations. Once the jobs are done, they're done.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stuff that happened over Christmas

This is just a journal of stuff that happened over Christmas.

President Barack Hussein Obama took a lovely vacation in the Hawaiian vacation with his family. While he was surfing, and playing basketball, and chillin', We the People were here doing the same. However, on Christmas Day, a radical terrorists was able to get on board an airplane with exploding underwear. He made it through security, but was caught just in time. This plan nearly worked for him. The radical terrorist's own father had contacted the government authorities earlier and said that he was dangerous and not peaceful. But they obviously didn't do much about him.

Democrats in the Senate passed the Health Care bill that we all need so desperately on Christmas Eve. Now, they just have to combine the bills together for a final bill. The house one is like $1 trillion and the Senate's is $800 billion.

A house in Fruita, near mine, burned down when the owners left to go somewhere. They left space heaters on for their animals, and one of them knocked it down and it started the house on fire. The house is mostly gone, except for the garage. Luckily, they were renters and had renters insurance.

Gunman Kills Three

A long time employee at St. Louis power company opened fire on people after arriving to work on last Thursday morning. He then killed himself. His name was Anthony Hendron, he was 51. Eight people were injured by the shooting, five of them were hospitalized, three are in critical condition. It's unclear what the motive was. However, in 2006, he and other workers sued the company over retirement losses. His family is devastated by what happened.,2933,582387,00.html?test=latestnews

My Opinion: It's horrible that it happened.

Rape from a 13 year old

Last July, a group of very young teens/preteens got together and gang-raped a girl who was 8 years old at the time. Four boys, ages 9-13, lured the girl to a storage shed while claiming that they had chewing gum for her. They restrained her, then took turns raping her. All of the children are Liberian refugees. They are in various positions of standing trial. One of the four, who was 14 then and is now 15 was tried as an adult. The 13 year old in the internet article was just released to his parents. He has to wear a tracking device, has to go to restoration lessons, he must stay home unless he is with an adult, he can't have any contact with the girl or his rape friends, and he can't be around any children under 12 years of age. The thought is that it is better for him to be home while on trial. He's being charged with kidnapping and sexual assault, but it isn't clear yet if he will be charged as a adult or not. His name hasn't been mentioned because of how young he is.,2933,582465,00.html

My Opinion: Rape is horrible. 13 year old boys are capable of it, and therefore they should be tried as an adult.